“A Heart-Wrenching Sight: Witnessing the Desperate Pleas of a Dog Chasing a Rescue Mission”

The internet is abuzz with a series of photos depicting a dog following a group of soldiers on patrol and seemingly asking them to “join” in its pursuit. The images have gone viral across multiple countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, and Japan. People are intrigued by the story behind this heartwarming encounter.

Lately, the internet has been buzzing with a series of photos portraying a dog encouraging soldiers on patrol to come along by following them. These pictures have become quite popular in various countries such as Korea, Japan, Thailand, and even Vietnam. People are eager to unravel the story behind this fascinating episode.

A number of internet users have been sharing a heartwarming account of a dog who reportedly stumbled upon troops on the street and decided to accompany them on their mission. However, it should be noted that this is not entirely accurate. The true story, as reported by the Los Tiempos page, is that a series of photographs were captured by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero in Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine period. The army was simply carrying out their patrols in a van and ensuring that people were following safety protocols.

These snapshots were captured by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero, who joyfully captured the scenes amidst the quarantine in Tupiza, Bolivia. The military drove around in their van as they patrolled the streets, ensuring that everyone was abiding by the rules. All of this was reported by Los Tiempos.

Gorda, a sweet dog, is a beloved pet in the barracks, rather than wandering the streets. Each unit adopts dogs, who live and train with the soldiers. Colonel Luis Pachecho, Director of the Department of Army Logistics IV, shares that Gorda is the mascot for the division. After observing the soldiers patrolling the area to fight Covid-19, Gorda pursued them with great enthusiasm. The soldiers in the car picked up his “brother” when they noticed how much he wanted to follow them. This heartwarming event was captured accidentally on the photographer’s camera.

Once Gorda hopped into the car, another grey pup named Multicam dashed over and jumped in too. The photo of these two adorable dogs was shared during a conversation and online users seemed to agree that they’re absolutely adorable, which is a great mood booster during these tough pandemic times.

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