How One Brave Dog Traveled Miles to Find Her Lost Pack

It is commonly believed that moving can cause as much stress as losing a loved one. However, imagine losing all your loved ones because they moved without you. This was the case for 6-year-old Cathleen when her family found their ideal home in Oklahoma City and left their Seminole, Okla. house. The only issue was that Cathleen was left behind and not moving with them.

Source: Seminole Humane Society / Seminole Animal Shelter Cathleen was left in Seminole, Olka., when her family moved to Olahoma City.

According to KOCO, a Great Pyrenees mix was given to a new owner who lived 20 miles away by her family. However, the dog was not satisfied with her new living conditions. The Seminole Humane Society shared on Facebook that while Cathleen, the dog, was cherished by her original family, they had moved into a home in town where keeping her was not feasible. In an attempt to reunite with her former family, Cathleen traveled from Prague to Seminole twice but to no avail. Despite her heartbreak, she waited patiently at the Seminole Animal Shelter for a new family to give her a forever home.

Source: Seminole Humane Society / Seminole Animal Shelter After making the 20 mile trip to find her lost family, twice, Cathleen was rescued by the Seminole Humane Society.

Lynzi Thompson, the reserve animal control officer, described Cathleen as a sweet and gentle dog who loves to befriend everyone. Although she may appear timid at first, given the chance, she will open up and show her friendly personality. It is uncertain why Cathleen was abandoned, but after her photo was shared, several adoption requests were received. Fortunately, as of January 12, Cathleen has found a new loving home in Texas. The shelter expressed gratitude to everyone who offered their support and kind offers to adopt her from all over the US. While they were unable to notify each person individually, they extended their heartfelt thanks to all.

Source: Facebook/Seminole Humane Society / Seminole Animal Shelter Cathleen is now happy and healthy in her new forever home in Texas!

We send our warmest wishes to Cathleen as she begins a new chapter in her life. If you’re looking for another uplifting tale, simply click on the button below to discover the touching story of a kid who went out of her way to provide the oldest dog at the shelter with a memorable final experience.

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